The term sheet iron is used to describe ferrous waste. Sheet metal is used in almost everything, from appliances to water heaters. This material is commonly found in homes and offices, but what is it exactly and what’s its value?
What is sheet iron?
We need to first determine what it is.Sheet iron that is clean and rusted can be sold for a lot of money. Dirty sheet steel, however, will always have other materials such as aluminum and tar.
Metal recyclers find it relatively easy to separate larger borings from other materials. However, smaller borings are more difficult.The majority of scrap yards have the equipment to separate sheet iron from other kinds of iron and steel. Sheet iron is not limited to steel. It can also be made of very thin iron.Sheet metal is used to make many appliances and building materials. Sheet metal is typically less than 1/8 inch in thickness and is used for household appliances. It is therefore more valuable to resell.
Where can you find sheet iron?
In construction and building, scrap sheet iron is used extensively. You can find it in large appliances like refrigerators and it is often attached to pieces of plastic. Sheet iron is often used by construction and demolition companies. To get a better product, you can remove the plastic. However, it must be separated from the dirty scrap. You may be rejected by the recycler if you do not. Sort your scrap sheet iron to ensure that there are no non-metal components. Scrap sheet iron that is free from non-metal components will bring in a better return.
NRI provides a service for recycling scrap metal.We are the leading scrap metal broker and recycling center in Minnesota for B2B and industrial companies. We offer both ferrous and nonneferrous scrap, and a free audit of your scrap metal. NRI is here to help!