In just the United States, huge amounts of non-ferrous scrap metal are handled by scrap metal processors every year.
All metals, which include both non-ferrous and ferrous, can be indefinitely recycled without them losing any of their properties. For numerous scrap metal processors, this is a very attractive feature. As the value of non-ferrous metals continues to increase from exotic metal shavings to aluminum, it has resulted in specialized bailing equipment being needed. Harmony Enterprise is able to provide the best solution for any size of enterprise ranging from large-scale industrial production facilities to small metal-fabricating companies.
Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling Benefits
Over the years, the use of both non-ferrous and ferrous metals has continued to increase. There is an incredible amount of aluminum alone that is in production. It is estimated that the world’s primary aluminum production averages about 24 million tons per year, with the largest producer being Australia. With metal production being on the rise in general and the valuable resources that are necessary to produce them continuing to dwindle, it is even more important than it has ever been to find additional value from the reuse of scrap metal.
While difficulties within the recycling process may be caused by plastic packaging due to needing to separate it into different types as well as its disparate nature – metal packaging recycling is a simpler process. Non-ferrous and ferrous components may be separated through the use of magnets which solves one major identification problem.
When non-ferrous metals are recovered for recycling is also provides both economic and environmental benefits.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling promotes the development of new markets.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling is a viable revenue source.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling offers additional materials that can be reused in manufacturing.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling provides additional employment opportunities.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling causes less pollution, produces greater energy savings, and is more environmentally friendly overall.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling provides a safer work environment.
• Non-Ferrous Metal Recycling helps to free up space.
Non-Ferrous Metals
Aluminum is produced from bauxite and is a clay-like ore that contains rich amounts of aluminum compounds. It is only found as alumina, which is a compound and hard material that is comprised of oxygen and aluminum. For the aluminum to be freed, the oxygen must be stripped from the alumina within a molten salt inside a reduction plant. A powerful electric current is then run through the liquid in order to separate the oxygen and aluminum. Huge quantities of energy are used in this process. When it comes to recycling materials, aluminum is among the most cost-effective. A lot less energy is required for aluminum recycling compared to aluminum production. Recycling aluminum requires just 5% of the energy and only 5% of the CO2 emissions are produce compared to the primary production of aluminum. At the same time, it reduces the amount of waste that goes into landfills. An added bonus is that it is possible to indefinitely recycle aluminum since its structure is not damaged by reprocessing.
Other Metals
All of the other types of non-ferrous metals can also be recycled, although there are often smaller quantities present. Those metals include brass, lead, gold, silver, copper, and nickel and are relied on heavily by certain industries, like the Technology and Electronics Industries. Their recognized value results in smaller quantities of those materials in circulation and when these items are disposed of their recycling ability is often neglected.
Baling Non-Ferrous Metals
To start the non-ferrous metal recycling process, bulky non-ferrous metals are gathered, just as industrial manufacturing process clippings, obsolete scrap, and aluminum beverage cans. These materials are then baled into blocks of bales of various sizes. Conveyors and front-end loaders, in addition to other types of waste handling equipment, are used for feeding these bully materials into balers. There is a wide range of different types of recycling balers that are used for aluminum cans and scrap recycling. There are certain balers, like the T60XDRC that have been designed for compressing bulky materials at high pressure, into uniformly sized, dense bales. Our customers can efficiently remelt them. The M60STD and other balers are designed for compressing bulky materials at lower pressure levels into less dense, larger, uniformed sizes able that can be efficiently stored and transported to customers who need certain materials to be delivered in that form.
Non-ferrous metal bale weights will vary widely depending on the kind of material that is bailed, and the configurations and size of the non-ferrous baler.